
BabelShark is an online localisation (translation) utility for web sites and HTML-based apps (Cordova, Ionic, Meteor, React).

Pecular features

BabelShark uses an automatic translation services under the hood. However it is dramatically different from Google Translate:

  • you specify strings to translate,

  • you specify the list of languages wish to you support,

  • finally, the automatic translation is being done only once (and saved in database),

  • You can correct any of translated strings:

Think of BabelShark as of Google Translate with a controllable input and output.

Team work and world language

You can delegate the proofreading (fixing the specific strings) to a specific person(s) in your team.

You might miss some languages in your team indeed (Chinese? Mid-west? something more exotic?). BabelShark has native speakers for hire!

Last updated